We are in the final stages of our book on the past 15 years of anti-racism in the Unitarian Universalist Association. Here are the themes that are emerging for us--please give us your thoughts,additions and comments.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

history's impact on the present

The historian who lives within a community of faith does not sit on a pedestal outside history. He shares the agonies, the frustrations, and the sense of promise in history. Like the jurist, he is aware of precedents of the past which are pregnant with new relevance, new life. Therefore, also in order to take time by the forelock, the historian must participate with a sense of social responsibility in the processes that define current conflicts and policies. The church historian accordingly writes of the past not merely for the past itself, but for its impact on the present.

--James Luther Adams


Blogger Robin Edgar said...

Here is some Canadian Unitarian and indeed American UU history that UUs, especially those who are concerned with justice issues, and who are actively involved in anti-oppression work, should pay some attention to. The past and indeed current conflicts will have some impact on the credibility and "public image" of UUism in Canada and elsewhere.

4:39 PM


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