We are in the final stages of our book on the past 15 years of anti-racism in the Unitarian Universalist Association. Here are the themes that are emerging for us--please give us your thoughts,additions and comments.

Monday, May 29, 2006

the work since Calgary has been a bridge (theme ten)

10. Anti-racism work in the years since Calgary has served as a bridge to new approaches which have emerged:
• From black/white to include other ethnicities
• From a Christian-based model to one more able to include other theologies (challenge: still lacks coherent theological basis, a la UUism)
• From a focus on racism to include other oppressions/identities (challenge: continue work on hardest: race)
• From one model to include others (challenge: maintain coherence without becoming dogma/creed)
• From one focused on the UUA to include congregations, districts, youth
• From a “oppressed/oppressor” model to include multiple identities (challenge: heal o’d & o’r in each)
• From a model based on teaching/enforcing to include humility, genuine inquiry (challenge: to encourage the resistant)
• From a top-down to model to include bottom-up (challenge: find what works in congregations & adopt widely)
• From a loose model of intent to one with more understanding of need for accountability (challenge: need more clearly articulated systems of accountability
• From a model centered on addressing white attitudes to one that focuses on different needs of different groups (challenge: Need to have specific support for POC group and their issues and training for them to grow in their own awareness


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